Aqua Virtual Solutions

You and Your Work Schedule. Don’t Let Your Work Manage Your Life!

Organized Calendar

All work and no play… well, we all know how that goes!

As a small business owner, setting boundaries and creating a Work/Life balance is not as simple as it sounds. As someone who can easily let work manage my life, I like to think of creating and maintaining a balance as a practice, not a perfect. 

Here are a few tips I’d like to share:

1. Set Your Own Hours. As small business owners, we get to set our own hours. Set the hours that work best for you and stick to them. I admit I struggled with this initially. The reality is that just because a client works during my off hours and sends me email requests during the evening or on the weekend does not mean they expect me to keep the same schedule. Excluding time-sensitive projects or emergencies, I respond during my set hours. 

2. Manage Expectations. Managing expectations is a win-win in every area of our lives and is especially important as a small business owner. It reduces stress for you and your clients (score!). I set expectations with my clients at the beginning of our working relationship. During their onboarding, they receive an email that lets them know when I’m at my desk, how they can best reach me, how to schedule time with me, that I monitor my email throughout the day for emergencies and quick responses, and that I will respond within 24 hours to routine work requests. While there are times when it is important to start early and work late, managing expectations helps me do this in a way that’s sustainable.

3. Time Management Methods. Be deliberate with your time. There are many different approaches to time management, and it is important that you find the one that works best for you. I use the time-blocking method. I determine what needs to be done and the time needed, and then I block time on my calendar, batching my time by client as much as possible. This includes scheduled breaks. Time blocking keeps me focused, helps me manage my workflow, and helps me avoid overcommitting.

4. Use Technology. Automate processes and invest in/use technology to help you save time. For example, I set up and use automated appointment scheduling software to make getting on my calendar a breeze for my clients. And when I choose to work in the evenings or on weekends, I schedule my emails to be sent during my normal working hours. I find this effective because I can stay productive during my off hours without infringing upon my clients’ evenings or weekends.

5. Invest in Your Health. Think of investing in your physical and mental well-being as investing in your business. Let putting yourself last be a thing of the past. I know that if I don’t take proper care of myself, the quality of my work suffers. I make quality sleep, drinking plenty of water, proper nutrition, exercise, and stress-reducing activities a part of my daily routine.

The results of setting boundaries and creating a Work/Life balance are simple: my clients know what to expect, and I have plenty of time with my family and friends!

Things That Bring Me Joy: My Daily Walk

Every day I get to take a walk on this trail near my home with my loyal sidekick, Brody (9-year-old Chocolate Lab).

Walking is a stress-reducing activity that also helps me with clarity and focus. I don’t always meet my daily goal of 10,000 steps, but I do make certain time is blocked on my calendar for a walk every day, even if only a brief one. If I don’t schedule time for myself, all heck breaks loose, as our daily walk is as important to Brody as it is to me. And no one wants an upset dog—a happy dog is a happy life!

Do you schedule time for yourself in your calendar? If not, why not start today!