Aqua Virtual Solutions

Tips to Overcome Overwhelm

Woman sitting at her desk stretching

Running a business is an incredibly exciting journey, but it can also be challenging. As a solo professional or small business owner, you are responsible for every aspect of your business, and to-do’s can run rampant in your head.

We all feel overwhelmed from time to time. But we don’t always want to share that we feel overwhelmed because of the story we create in our heads that admitting we are overwhelmed by the work we love is somehow a sign of weakness or failure. A common response to overwhelm is to work longer hours, but that can be counterproductive and may actually leave you feeling more overwhelmed and exhausted in the long run. If this resonates with you, you are not alone.

I recommend the following steps to help you overcome overwhelm:

1. Get the to-do’s out of your head. Take the overwhelm out of your head and write it all down. I think of this step as an overwhelm brain dump. I find it cathartic as I write down absolutely every to-do that needs to be done, no matter how seemingly small or insignificant.

2. Prioritize. Focus on completing the most critical or time-sensitive to-do’s first and work your way down the list in order of importance. I recommend reprioritizing the list and beginning each day by focusing on the three most critical to-do’s, working your way down the list after the top three are done, and repeating the following day.

3. Set boundaries. Set your work schedule and stick to it. Avoid checking emails or taking business calls outside of the schedule you’ve created. Excluding time-sensitive projects or emergencies, respond during your set hours.

4. Delegate. As I often say, “Just because you can do it all does not mean you should.” Ask yourself, “What time-consuming to-do’s can be taught and delegated to someone else?” Delegating certain tasks and responsibilities to the right person allows you to focus on critical aspects of your business.

5. Seek support. Connecting with other small business owners, mentors, or a coach who will understand your journey can be a valuable source of inspiration and support. It can also help you build a network of contacts and resources that can prove invaluable to your business.

Remember, contrary to the stories we can create in our heads, feeling overwhelmed is normal. Think of overcoming overwhelm as a form of self-care. Keeping the overwhelm at bay is essential for your well-being and that of your business. You’ve got this… one to-do at a time.

Things That Bring Me Joy: My Cookbooks

A Photo of Cookbooks by Ina Garten and Julia Child

I prioritize engaging in activities that bring me joy. Cooking and my cookbook collection bring me such joy! My most cherished cookbooks are by Ina Garten, Julia Child, and America’s Test Kitchen.

Life slowed down a bit in 2020 and provided me the opportunity to spend quality time in the kitchen playing with recipes I otherwise would not have had the time to create. I never thought I’d have the time, let alone truly enjoy cooking recipes like Julia’s famous coq au vin.

Do you have a favorite recipe? Let me know. I’d love to hear.