How to Create and Use Outlook Templates

Unlike other email providers, Outlook runs different setups that operate a bit differently. I’ve included steps to create Outlook Templates using Outlook Office 365 Desktop App, the Outlook desktop app, and Outlook on the web.
How to Create Outlook Templates on the Office 365 Desktop App
To create Outlook Office 365 Desktop App templates, follow these steps:
- Open your Outlook: Launch the Outlook application on your computer.
- Create a new email: Click on the “New Email” button to start writing a new email. Click on the “View Templates” icon in the upper right corner of the message window.
- Compose your template: Click on “+ Template” and enter a name for your template and in the screen below the title of the template, write the content of your template.
- Save the Template: Click “Save”. All of your templates appear in the menu.
How to Use Outlook Templates on the Office 365 Desktop App
To use Outlook Office 365 Desktop App templates, follow these steps:
- Start a new email by clicking “New Email” or “Reply” to an existing email.
- Access your template: Click on the “My Templates” icon in the top right corner of the message window.
- Choose the template you’d like to use: The template will populate within the message window.
- Edit and Send: Make any personalized edits or additions, add recipients, and click “Send” when you are ready to send the email.
How to Create Outlook Templates on the Desktop
To create Outlook Desktop templates, follow these steps:
- Open your Outlook: Launch the Outlook application on your computer.
- Create a new email: Click on the “New Email” button to start writing a new email.
- Compose your template: Write the content you want to save as your template. You can format the text, add links, images, and include placeholders for variables like recipient names. (Tip: Remove your email signature from your template as it will automatically populate when you create a new email using your template.)
- Save as a template: Once your template is ready, go to the “File” tab in the top left in the menu and click on “Save As”. In the “Save As” dialog box, choose “Outlook Template (*.oft) from the “Save as type” drop-down menu. Give your template a name and click “Save”. Close and discard the original email. By default, templates are saved: cusersusernameappdataroamingmicrosofttemplates*oft
How to Use Outlook Templates on the Desktop
To use Outlook Desktop templates, follow these steps:
- From the Outlook Menu, click on the “New Items” button, from the dropdown menu click “More Items” and from that dropdown menu, click on “Choose Form”
- Access your template: In the “Choose Form” box, in Look In, click “User Templates in File System”
- Choose the template you’d like to use: Click “Open”. The template will populate within the window.
- Edit and Send: Make any personalized edits or additions, add recipients, and click “Send” when you are ready to send the email.
How to Create Outlook Templates on the Web
To create Outlook on the web templates, follow these steps:
- Open your Outlook: Login to your Outlook webmail.
- Create a new email: Click on the “New” message button to create a new message. Click on the “My Templates” icon in the lower right corner of the message window.
- Compose your template: Click on “+ Template” and enter a name for your template and in the screen below the title of the template, write the content of your template.
- Save the template: Click Save. All of your templates appear in the menu.
How to Use Outlook Templates on the Web
To use Outlook on the web templates, follow these steps:
- Start a new email by clicking “New ” or “Reply” to an existing email.
- Access your template: Click on the “My Templates” icon in the bottom right corner of the message window.
- Choose the template you’d like to use: The template will populate within the message window.
- Edit and Send: Make any personalized edits or additions, add recipients, and click “Send” when you are ready to send the email.