Aqua Virtual Solutions

Are You Waiting Too Long To Ask For Help?

Asking for help can evoke feelings of self-judgment (guilty!). You may feel less than when you are unable to accomplish all that you’ve set out to do. The truth is, asking for help can save you money and time.

When working with new clients, they are so pleased, and I am often asked: “Why did I wait so long?”

I don’t have the magic answer to that question. For me, it all goes back to… just because you can do it all doesn’t mean you should.

Waiting to Ask for Help Slows Business Growth

I recommend you take a close look at your business to determine what needs to be addressed:

1. Identify Your Pain Points. Make a list of things in your business that take you too long, completely frustrate, or overwhelm you to the point that they’ve gotten out of hand or you just plain loathe doing them. And let us be honest: there are some things we try to do ourselves that are completely outside of our skill set. Among my biggest pain points is preparing my taxes. I would be lost without my amazing accountant!

2. Prioritize. Now that you’ve listed your pain points, determine the priority of each area based on how much time and money they are wasting and how they are slowing you down.

3. Put a Plan in Place. This is where you determine whether to hire someone to help or make actionable steps to put a process in place and stop them from slowing your business growth.

4. Take Action. I’m not suggesting that addressing your pain points will be quick. Address each pain point one by one so you can become more efficient, work less, and achieve your business goals.

Pain points are different for everyone — but they are all manageable. Break it down, breathe, and go for it. Know that help is only a phone call away. For one person’s pain point is another’s passion! 

Things that Bring Me Joy: My Google Home

Google Home

Oh, how I adore my Google Home! I’ll admit I did not want a Google Home and wondered why other people wanted, let alone enjoyed having an Alexa or Google Home.

I use Google Home to set reminders, play music, adjust the heat, set timers while I’m cooking, and give me the weather and news updates throughout the day. For someone who did not want a Google Home, it brings me such joy, and I can’t imagine not being able to walk in and ask, “Hey, Google, what is the weather today?”

Do you have a home assistant? Let me know. I’d love to hear.